Complete Your Commercial Real Estate Purchase Or Sale With Confidence

Whether you are an investor looking for commercial properties for your portfolio or a business owner looking for a space in which to operate your enterprise, legal advice is essential along with financing and business plans. Dillon Miller Ahuja & Boss, LLP, is known for client-centered legal counsel. The personal attention that our lawyers give clients sets us apart. By the time our clients buy, sell or lease commercial properties, our lawyers know them and their ultimate goals inside and out. Through close collaboration with our commercial real estate clients, we can give them the customized counsel they need.

In an initial consultation with one or more of our commercial real estate attorneys, discuss the key aspects of your planned purchase or sale of commercial property. What type of property is it? Do you have a qualified team of colleagues ready to complete all details associated with the new commercial property? Do the numbers add up as you get ready to finance and buy the property in question? Would a commercial lease make more sense based on your short-term and long-term goals?

Points To Ponder As You Prepare To Buy, Sell Or Lease A Commercial Property

Our lawyers can help you answer essential questions as you prepare to invest in commercial real estate to use or resell at a profit. Questions may include the following:

  • Does the current owner have easements in place that a buyer needs to know about? Or, does the current owner use easements on other properties, and, if so, how can those privileges be documented and transferred to the purchaser?
  • Are there covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) or rules in place that govern the use of the piece of commercial real estate in question? Locally driven CC&Rs may regulate fencing, waste removal or types of businesses allowed in a particular area.
  • What will be necessary to obtain and close the necessary loan transaction for the purchase deal?
  • Are there title insurance issues that need to be resolved?
  • Are there existing commercial tenants with leases that will be valid beyond the time of the sale, and how will those leases be transferred to the new owner(s)?

These are a few examples of the areas of inquiry through which our commercial real estate attorneys can guide you before you buy, sell or lease a commercial property.

Get Legal Advice For Commercial Property Purchase And Sale Transactions

There is more to buying commercial property than simply coming up with the money. Our Carlsbad-based lawyers are ready to help smooth the way for your purchase or sale of a piece of land and/or building(s) for your business or investment purposes.

Get personalized advice before moving forward toward sealing the deal. Schedule a consultation with one of our real estate lawyers by calling (858) 587-1800 or sending an email message.

Get A Free Consultation

Reach out to us for a free consultation to speak with one of our real estate lawyers. We will take the time to fully understand your goals and needs so we can work together to create a strategy that’s best for you. Call us at 858-587-1800 or send us a message today.


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